Fibre optic outdoor cable


Cable structure

  • Multimode fibre thickness 50/125 mm and 62,5/125 mm; single-mode 9/125 mm
  • Central bundle core or stranded bundle core
  • Water blocking material
  • Tensile glass yarn
  • PE outer sheath, black

Technical data

  • Outdoor fibre optic outdoor cable according to DIN VDE 0888
  • Temperature range from -20°C to +60°C
  • Temperature during installation from -5°C to +50°C
  • Max. tensile load from 1500 N to 3000 N
  • Max. transverse load 200-600 N/cm
  • For optical data characteristics please contact our technical department


These fibre optic cables are available with a central bundle core and stranded version (at fibre number greater than 12). The construction of the central bundle core makes the installation of the cable convenient. The glass yarn with water blocking material on the bundle core guarantess the traction relief and the longitudinal water-proofing. Cables are equipped with non-metallic rodent protection. The maximum number of fibres for this cable is 144 and due to its construction the installation is easy.

Technical characteristics

No of fibres Approx. outer ø [mm] Approx. cable weight [kg/km] Max. tensile load [N] Min. stat. bending radius [mm] Ordering code G 50/125 Ordering code G 62,5/125 Ordering code E 9/125
2 6,8 100 1500 170 0680148 0680164 0680131
4 6,8 100 1500 170 0680149 0680165 0680132
6 6,8 100 1500 170 0680150 0680166 0680133
8 6,8 100 1500 170 0680151 0680167 0680134
10 6,8 100 1500 170 0680152 0680168 0680135
12 6,8 100 1500 170 0680153 0680169 0680136
16 10,2 130 1500 255 0680154 0680170 0680137
20 10,2 130 1500 255 0680155 0680171 0680138
24 10,2 130 1500 255 0680156 0680172 0680139
30 13,0 170 2500 270 0680157 0680173 0680140
36 13,0 170 2500 270 0680448 0680449 0680450
40 13,0 170 2500 270 0680158 0680174 0680141
48 13,0 170 2500 270 0680447 0680446 0680445
60 15,0 180 2500 290 0680159 0680175 0680142
72 16,4 240 2500 290 0680444 0680443 0680442
80 16,4 240 3000 290 0680160 0680176 0680143
96 20,6 240 3000 320 0680441 0680440 0680439
100 20,6 260 3000 320 0680161 0680177 0680144
120 20,6 260 3000 320 0680162 0680178 0680146
144 20,6 270 3000 320 0680438 0680437 0680436
  • Other cable structure and number of optic fibres available.
  • Products

    Metal prices (€/100kg)


    Al = 361.16€/100kg
    Cu = 902.05€/100kg


    Al = 360.48€/100kg
    Cu = 905.51€/100kg


    Al = 365.77€/100kg
    Cu = 907.39€/100kg


    Al = 370.80€/100kg
    Cu = 908.08€/100kg


    Al = 370.20€/100kg
    Cu = 919.23€/100kg

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