Compensating cables

Color codes according to norms

DIN 43722 IEC 584

type Thermocouple material Code Compensation cable material Color code core insulation Color sheath
  + -   + - + -  
T Cu CuNi TX Cu CuNi braun white braun
E NiCr CuNi EX NiCr CuNi violet white violet
J Fe CuNi JX Fe CuNi black white black
K NiCr Ni KX NiCr Ni green white green
K NiCr Ni KC A Fe CuNi green white green
K NiCr Ni KC B Cu CuNi green white green
R/S Pt13/10Rh Pt RCA/SCA Cu CuNi orange white orange
R/S Pt13/10Rh Pt RCB/SCB Cu CuNi orange white orange
N NiCrosil Nisil NC Cu CuNi ping white ping
B Pt30Rh Pt6Rh BC Cu-leg Cu gray white gray


type Thermocouple material Code Compensation cable material Color code core insulation Color sheath
  + -   + - + -  
T Cu CuNi TX Cu CuNi blue red blue
E NiCr CuNi EX NiCr CuNi purple red purple
J Fe CuNi JX Fe CuNi white red black
K NiCr Ni KX NiCr Ni yellow red yellow
R/S Pt13/10Rh Pt RX/SX Cu CuNi black red green
B Pt30Rh Pt6Rh BX Cu-leg Cu gray red gray

NF (France)

type Thermocouple material Code Compensation cable material Color code core insulation Color sheath
  + -   + - + -  
T Cu CuNi TX Cu CuNi yellow blue blue
E NiCr CuNi EX NiCr CuNi yellow orange orange
J Fe CuNi JX Fe CuNi yellow black black
K NiCr Ni KX NiCr Ni yellow violet violet
K NiCr Ni VC Cu CuNi yellow braun braun
K NiCr Ni WC Fe CuNi yellow white white
R/S Pt13/10Rh Pt RC/SC Cu CuNi yellow green green
B Pt30Rh Pt6Rh BC Cu-leg Cu yellow gray gray


type Thermocouple material Code Compensation cable material Color code core insulation Color sheath
  + -   + - + -  
U Cu CuNi UX Cu CuNi red braun braun
L Fe CuNi LX Fe CuNi red blue blue


Insulation type comp. cable Temperature range Insulation core/sheath material
JJ -10 to +105°C PVC - insulation, PVC - sheath
JFJ -10 to +105°C PVC - insulation, wrapping Al braiding foil + drain wire, PVC - sheath
YFY -10 to +70°C PVC - insulation, wrapping Al braiding foil + drain wire, PVC - sheath
GLGLP flat -60 to +400°C Fiberglass - insulation and sheath , braiding of tinned steel wires
GLGLP -60 to +400°C Fiberglass - insulation and sheath , braiding of tinned steel wires
SLSL -60 to +200°C Silicone - insulation and sheath
SLGLP flat -60 to +200°C Silicone - insluation, fiberglass - sheath, braiding of tinned steel wires
SLGLP -60 to +200°C Silicone - insluation, fiberglass - sheath, braiding of tinned steel wires

Code Classes of accuracy Temperature range (surrounding temperature) Measurement temperature
class 1 class 2
JX ± 85µV (± 1,5 °C) ± 140µV (± 2,5 °C) -25 °C to +200 °C 500 °C
TX ± 30µV (± 0,5 °C) ± 60µV (± 1,0 °C) -25 °C to +100 °C 300 °C
EX ± 120µV (± 1,5 °C) ± 200µV (± 2,5 °C) -25 °C to +200 °C 500 °C
KX ± 60µV (± 1,5 °C) ± 100µV (± 2,5 °C) -25 °C to +200 °C 900 °C
NX ± 60µV (± 1,5 °C) ± 100µV (± 2,5 °C) -25 °C to +200 °C 900 °C
  • ± 100µV (± 2,5 °C) 0 °C to +150 °C 900 °C
  • ± 100µV (± 2,5 °C) 0 °C to +100 °C 900 °C
  • ± 100µV (± 2,5 °C) 0 °C to +150 °C 900 °C
  • ± 30µV (± 2,5 °C) 0 °C to +100 °C 1000 °C
  • ± 60µV (± 5,0 °C) 0 °C to +200 °C 1000 °C
  • ± 30µV (± 2,5 °C) 0 °C to +100 °C 1000 °C
  • ± 60µV (± 5,0 °C) 0 °C to +200 °C 1000 °C
  • ± 40µV (± 3,5 °C) 0 °C to +100 °C 1400 °C

    Type JJ round (PVC/PVC)

    Number of cores × cross-section (diameter) core Outer ø [mm] type"U" DIN43710 Ord.code type"T" Ord.code type"L" DIN43710 Ord.code type"J" Ord.code type"K" Ord.code type"R/S" Ord.code type"B" Ord.code
    2 × 0,22 mm2 3,6 0447020 0447021 0447022 0447023 0447024 0447025 0447026
    4 × 0,22 mm2 4,1 0447027 0447028 0447029 0447030 0447031 0447032 0447033
    2 × 1,50 mm2 6,8 0447034 0447035 0447036 0447037 0447038 0447039 0447040
    4 × 1,50 mm2 7,8 0447041 0447042 0447043 0447044 0447045 0447046 0447047
    2 × 1,38 mm (solid core) 6,4 0447048 0447049 0447050 0447051 0447052 0447053 0447054
    4 × 1,38 mm (solid core) 7,4 0447055 0447056 0447057 0447058 0447059 0447060 0447061

    Type JFJ round (PVC/Al-PET foil/PVC)

    Number of cores × cross-section (diameter) core Outer ø [mm] type"U" DIN43710 Ord.code type"T" Ord.code type"L" DIN43710 Ord.code type"J" Ord.code type"K" Ord.code type"R/S" Ord.code type"B" Ord.code
    2 × 0,22 mm2 4,4 0447076 0447077 0447078 0447079 0447080 0447081 0447082
    4 × 0,22 mm2 5,5 0447083 0447083 0447084 0447085 0447086 0447087 0447088
    2 × 1,50 mm2 7,2 0447089 0447090 0447091 0447092 0447093 0447094 0447095
    4 × 1,50 mm2 10,9 0447096 0447097 0447098 0447099 0447100 0447101 0447102
    2 × 1,38 mm (pevné jádro) 6,8 0447103 0447104 0447105 0447106 0447107 0447108 0447109
    4 × 1,38 mm (pevné jádro) 10,2 0447110 0447111 0447111 0447112 0447113 0447114 0447115

    Type GLGLP flat (fiber wrapping/fiber wrapping/steel braiding)

    Number of cores × cross-section (diameter) core Outer ø [mm] type"U" DIN43710 Ord.code type"T" DOrd.code type"L" DIN43710 Ord.code type"J" Ord.code type"K" Ord.code type"R/S" Ord.code type"B" Ord.code
    2 × 1,50 mm2 3,5 × 5,5 0447130 0447131 0447132 0447133 0447134 0447135 0447136
    2 × 1,38 mm (solid core) 3,3 × 5,1 0447137 0447138 0447139 0447140 0447141 0447142 0447143

    Type GLGLP round (fiber wrapping/fiber wrapping/steel braiding)

    Number of cores × cross-section (diameter) core Outer ø [mm] type"U" DIN43710 Ord.code type"T" Ord.code type"L" DIN43710 Ord.code type"J" Ord.code type"K" Ord.code type"R/S" Ord.code type"B" Ord.code
    2 × 0,22 mm2 3,6 0447144 0447145 0447146 0447147 0447148 0447149 0447150
    2 × 0,75 mm2 4,5 0447151 0447152 0447153 0447154 0447155 0447156 0447157
    4 × 1,50 mm2 6,3 0447158 0447159 0447160 0447161 0447162 0447163 0447164
    4 × 1,38 mm (solid core) 5,8 0447165 0447166 0447167 0447168 0447169 0447170 0447171

    Type SLSL - (silicone/silicone)

    Number of cores × cross-section (diameter) core Outer ø [mm] type"U" DIN43710 Ord.code type"T" Ord.code type"L" DIN43710 Ord.code type"J" Ord.code type"K" Ord.code type"R/S" Ord.code type"B" Ord.code
    2 × 0,22 mm2 4,4 0447172 0447173 0447174 0447175 0447176 0447177 0447178
    2 × 1,50 mm2 7,2 0447179 0447180 0447181 0447182 0447183 0447184 0447185

    Type SLGLP round (silicone/fiber wrapping/steel braiding)

    Number of cores × cross-section (diameter) core Outer ø [mm] type"U" DIN43710 Ord.code type"T" Ord.code type"L" DIN43710 Ord.code type"J" Ord.code type"K" Ord.code type"R/S" Ord.code type"B" Ord.code
    2 × 1,50 mm2 4,3 × 7,1 0447186 0447187 0447188 0447189 0447190 0447191 0447192
    2 × 1,38 mm (solid core) 4,1 × 6,7 0447193 0447194 0447195 0447196 0447197 0447198 0447199

    Type SLGLP round (silicone/fiber wrapping/steel braiding)

    Number of cores × cross-section (diameter) core Outer ø [mm] type"U" DIN43710 Ord.code type"T" Ord.code type"L" DIN43710 Ord.code type"J" Ord.code type"K" Ord.code type"R/S" Ord.code type"B" Ord.code
    2 × 1,50 mm2 7,1 0447200 0447201 0447202 0447203 0447204 0447205 0447206
    4 × 1,50 mm2 8,2 0447207 0447208 0447209 0447210 0447211 0447212 0447213
    2 × 1,38 mm (solid core) 6,7 0447214 0447215 0447216 0447217 0447218 0447219 0447220
    4 × 1,38 mm (solid core) 7,7 0447221 0447222 0447223 0447224 0447225 0447226 0447227


    • Other types a versions available on request.
    • Technical changes reserved.


    Metal prices (€/100kg)


    Al = 361.16€/100kg
    Cu = 902.05€/100kg


    Al = 360.48€/100kg
    Cu = 905.51€/100kg


    Al = 365.77€/100kg
    Cu = 907.39€/100kg


    Al = 370.80€/100kg
    Cu = 908.08€/100kg


    Al = 370.20€/100kg
    Cu = 919.23€/100kg

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