These fibre optic cables are available with a central bundle core and stranded version (at fibre number greater than 12). The construction of the central bundle core makes the installation of the cable convenient. The glass yarn with water blocking material on the bundle core guarantess the traction relief and the longitudinal water-proofing. Cables are equipped with non-metallic rodent protection. The maximum number of fibres for this cable is 144 and due to its construction the installation is easy.
No of fibres | Approx. outer ø [mm] | Approx. cable weight [kg/km] | Max. tensile load [N] | Min. stat. bending radius [mm] | Ordering code G 50/125 | Ordering code G 62,5/125 | Ordering code E 9/125 |
2 | 6,8 | 100 | 1500 | 170 | 0680148 | 0680164 | 0680131 |
4 | 6,8 | 100 | 1500 | 170 | 0680149 | 0680165 | 0680132 |
6 | 6,8 | 100 | 1500 | 170 | 0680150 | 0680166 | 0680133 |
8 | 6,8 | 100 | 1500 | 170 | 0680151 | 0680167 | 0680134 |
10 | 6,8 | 100 | 1500 | 170 | 0680152 | 0680168 | 0680135 |
12 | 6,8 | 100 | 1500 | 170 | 0680153 | 0680169 | 0680136 |
16 | 10,2 | 130 | 1500 | 255 | 0680154 | 0680170 | 0680137 |
20 | 10,2 | 130 | 1500 | 255 | 0680155 | 0680171 | 0680138 |
24 | 10,2 | 130 | 1500 | 255 | 0680156 | 0680172 | 0680139 |
30 | 13,0 | 170 | 2500 | 270 | 0680157 | 0680173 | 0680140 |
36 | 13,0 | 170 | 2500 | 270 | 0680448 | 0680449 | 0680450 |
40 | 13,0 | 170 | 2500 | 270 | 0680158 | 0680174 | 0680141 |
48 | 13,0 | 170 | 2500 | 270 | 0680447 | 0680446 | 0680445 |
60 | 15,0 | 180 | 2500 | 290 | 0680159 | 0680175 | 0680142 |
72 | 16,4 | 240 | 2500 | 290 | 0680444 | 0680443 | 0680442 |
80 | 16,4 | 240 | 3000 | 290 | 0680160 | 0680176 | 0680143 |
96 | 20,6 | 240 | 3000 | 320 | 0680441 | 0680440 | 0680439 |
100 | 20,6 | 260 | 3000 | 320 | 0680161 | 0680177 | 0680144 |
120 | 20,6 | 260 | 3000 | 320 | 0680162 | 0680178 | 0680146 |
144 | 20,6 | 270 | 3000 | 320 | 0680438 | 0680437 | 0680436 |
Al = 361.16€/100kg23.01.2025
Al = 360.48€/100kg22.01.2025
Al = 365.77€/100kg21.01.2025
Al = 370.80€/100kg20.01.2025
Al = 370.20€/100kgIn August 2018 our company succesfully passed recertification audit under ISO:9001 – Quality Management System
Dear business partners, I would like to inform you about change of legal status of our company DDA spol. s r.o. into DDA a.s. registered in Business regist...
New products added to our portfolio: SERVO-FLEX-PUR-JZ - highly flexible cable for drag chains SERVO-FLEX-PVC-JZ - flexible power supply cable for s...
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DDA Ltd. is a holder of ISO 9001:2000 certificate.