Power cable 0,6/1 kV, VDE approved, with Cu concentric conductor


Cable structure

  • Plain copper or stranded conductor according to DIN VDE 0295 and IEC 60228 cl. 1 or 2
  • Core insulation of thermoplastic PVC
  • Core color coded according to DIN VDE 0293-308
  • Cores stranded concetrically
  • Filling compound
  • Concentric conductor of Cu tape and Cu wires
  • Sheath of thermoplastic PVC, sheath color black
  • PVC self-extinguishing and flame resistant, according to DIN VDE 0482-332-1-2/ IEC 60332-1-2

Technical data

  • Power and control cable according to DIN VDE 0276 part 603, HD 603. S1 and IEC 60502
  • Temperature at conductor max. +70°C
  • Temperature range during installation from -5°C to +70°C; fixed from max. +70°C
  • Nominal voltage Uo/U 0,6/1 kV
  • Test voltage a.c.4000 V
  • Minimum bending radius for single-core approx. 15 x cable diameter, multi-core approx. 12 x cable diameter


Power cables for energy supply are used in industry and distribution boards, power stations, house connection boxes and street lighting as well as control cables for impuls and data transmission. These cables are also suitable for all areas where increased electrical and mechanical protection is required. Cables for outer or inner installation, into water, concrete as well as for cable ducts. Concetric conductor (C) is permitted to be used as neutral or protective earthed conductor. Simultaneously, the concetric conductor can be used as a screening. Due to the typical construction of concentric conductor, it is possible to obtain many cable joints without cutting any conductor. In that way the operating reliability is guaranteed.


  • CE = the product is conformed with the EC Low-Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU.
  • Conforms to RoHS.

Technical characteristics

Ordering code Number of cores × core cross-section[mm2] Approx. outer ø [mm] Copper weight [kg/km] Approx. cable weight [kg/km] Current carrying capacity
in earth 20°C [A]
Current carrying capacity
in air 30°C [A]
0932260 2 × 10 re/10 19,0 312 650 79 59
0932261 2 × 16 re/16 21,0 489 850 103 79
0932263 3 × 10 re/10 19,5 408 730 79 59
0932264 3 × 16 re/16 22,0 643 1000 103 79
0932265 3 × 25 rm/16 26,0 902 1550 133 106
0932266 3 × 35 sm/16 27,0 1190 1750 159 129
0932267 3 × 50 sm/25 29,0 1723 2250 188 157
0932268 3 × 70 sm/35 33,0 2410 2950 232 199
0932269 3 × 95 sm/50 38,0 3296 4100 280 246
0952270 3 × 120 sm/70 41,0 4236 5050 318 285
0932271 3 × 150 sm/70 45,0 5100 6000 359 326
0932272 3 × 185 sm/95 50,0 6383 7550 406 737
0932273 3 × 240 sm/120 57,0 8242 9950 473 445
0932274 3 × 25 rm/25 26,0 1003 1600 133 106
0932275 3 × 35 sm/35 27,5 1402 1850 159 129
0932276 3 × 50 sm/50 29,5 2000 2450 188 157
0932277 3 × 70 sm/70 34,0 2796 3350 232 199
0932278 3 × 95 sm/95 38,5 3791 4550 280 246
0932279 3 × 120 sm/120 42,0 4786 5550 318 285
0932280 3 × 150 sm/150 46,0 5970 6900 359 326
0932281 3 × 185 sm/185 51,0 7363 8500 - -
0932282 4 × 10 re/10 20,5 504 890 79 59
0932283 4 × 16 re/16 23,5 796 1250 103 79
0932284 4 × 25 rm/16 28,0 1142 1800 133 106
0932285 4 × 35 sm/16 29,0 1526 2050 159 129
0932286 4 × 50 sm/25 33,0 2203 2700 188 157
0932287 4 × 70 sm/35 37,0 3082 3750 232 199
0932288 4 × 95 sm/50 43,5 4208 5000 280 246
0932289 4 × 120 sm/70 47,0 5388 6350 318 285
0932290 4 × 150 sm/70 51,0 6540 7650 359 326
0932291 4 × 185 sm/95 56,0 8159 9350 406 374
0932292 4 × 240 sm/120 62,5 10546 11600 473 445


Metal prices (€/100kg)


Al = 368.01€/100kg
Cu = 927.61€/100kg


Al = 367.66€/100kg
Cu = 932.59€/100kg


Al = 365.48€/100kg
Cu = 927.24€/100kg


Al = 373.97€/100kg
Cu = 916.11€/100kg


Al = 369.79€/100kg
Cu = 897.30€/100kg

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